“Infrastructure is commonly understood in physical terms, as reticulated systems of highways, pipes, wires, or cables. These modes of provisioning and articulation are viewed as making the city productive, reproducing it, and positioning its residents, territories, and resources in specific ensembles where the energies of individuals can be most efficiently deployed and accounted for.”
As Simon suggests making the city productive is catered by a variety of physical infrastructural objects. One such example is the Andheri East skywalk which connects the railway station and the highway along with several other places. But due to its huge span and inaccessibility to various locations, the skywalk has been used less. As a result, several other actors have now taken control of the bridge. New relationships of ownership and claims have been seen to induce new rhythms on the site.

The skywalk is constantly crowded with people walking toward predetermined destinations. Additionally, the shape of the skywalk—a long, flat tunnel hints one's body towards a particular direction or path. A sign of one's predetermined mundane routine that follows a certain cyclical rhythm. However, as the user group shifts into the space, they completely question this idea of functionality. The people on the skywalk stretch the field beyond the straight path. The hawkers, the couples having private conversations, the group of people hanging out, and a few families who have made it their home. When we look at a monotonous space, all of these different bodies broaden our field of vision.

The rhythms of everyday of the pedestrians are been completely taken over by the waste and the disposal that happens on site. Along with the rhythms of bodies of different other people taking shelter in it.The time that we have named ‘appropriated’ has its own characteristics . In everyday this results in unending interactions of these rhythms with repetitive processes linked to homogeneous time.The site completely questions this repetition, which is monotonous, exhausting, and tiresome. Here the dawn always gets with it a miraculous charm, hunger and thirst which renew themselves marvelously. The everyday is simultaneously the site of the theatre for, the conflict between the great indestructible rhythms and the processes imposed by the socio-economic organisation of production, consumption, circulation, and habitat which is taking place in the everyday.
Thus, creating an experience that would extend a viewer’s field of vision by surrounding them with multiple windows. Therefore, it will make the passer by consciously select and arrange those images to find meaning. This process can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse perspectives and narratives present within a given space.